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Mysterious Musical Pillars of Hampi

When you visit Hampi, something that will really stand out are the enormous boulders. These boulders are scattered all over the landscape, from small rocks to giant monoliths that have been carved into temples and shrines.

This monolithic stone is not found anywhere else, and it makes for a very unique experience for visitors. You can also find some really interesting sounds emanating from certain spots—but what’s the cause of these mysterious musical pillars?

The Mystery of Musical Pillars

The mystery of the musical pillars has puzzled locals and tourists alike for generations. It’s thought to likely stem from a resonance phenomenon known as ‘sonic echoes’. This occurs when two surfaces facing each other vibrate together in such a way that a sound is amplified and bounced back down.

But why only in Hampi? It’s thought that because the place is full of huge rocks and caverns, it amplifies and echoes sound more than any other place. That plus the wind blowing through the rocks and temples gives you a unique acoustic experience that you don’t get in many places!

Exploring this very unusual and captivating landscape really gives visitors an incredible insight into Hampi’s ancient past. 

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